söndag 15 april 2012

Muslimsk barnsexliga avslöjad i England

TRAFFICKING En muslimsk barnsexliga ledd av pakistanier har sprängts i Oxford, och utredningen sväller. Barnen har sålts till män för sex och är i åldrarna 11-16 år och det handlar hittills om 50 flickor. Totalt har 13 män gripits. Sex av dem, pakistanier, misstänks ligga bakom människohandeln.

En del av flickorna har våldtagits, drogats, mordhotats, med mera.

Några av männen:

-Zeshan Ahmed, 26, is charged with ten counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child.

- Anjum Dogar, 30, is charged with one count of conspiring to rape a child, one count of arranging prostitution of a child and one count of trafficking.

- His brother, Akhtar, 31, is charged with three counts of rape, one count of conspiring to rape a child, three counts of arranging the prostitution of a child, one count of making a threat to kill and one count of trafficking.

- Mohammed Karrar, 37, has been charged with two counts of conspiracy to rape a child and one count of supplying a Class A controlled drug to a child.

- His brother Bassan, a 32-year-old father of two, is charged with one count of raping a child in 2006.

Daily Mail

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